Integrate DSTnet Hostelería & pay at table apps

We show you the compatibility of DSTnet Hostelería & pay at table apps

Compatibility of pay at table apps with DSTnet Hostelería

Features of pay at table apps crossed with pOS apps features

Functionality Plus + DSTnet Hostelería
PlusDSTnet Hostelería
Conexapps + DSTnet Hostelería
ConexappsDSTnet Hostelería
Klastery + DSTnet Hostelería
KlasteryDSTnet Hostelería
OKO + DSTnet Hostelería
OKODSTnet Hostelería
Cheerfy + DSTnet Hostelería
CheerfyDSTnet Hostelería
Order&Go + DSTnet Hostelería
Order&GoDSTnet Hostelería
Reads the table content before pushing a new payment + Table reading
Injects a payment referencing an specific table + Isolated payments from table
Imports the service zones and tables + Service zones and tables

Here we go! 🚀

In less than 30 minutes you can have your restaurant linked

Add connections

Select the platforms and apps you want to connect to see a compatibility report

Confirm your project

Check the selected connections and confirm your project just in a few minutes

Activate and link your restaurant

Once in our panel, we will ask you for some information to activate and connect your restaurant

Time to work!

As connections are activated, you will begin to receive orders and reservations in our system

If you do not see it clearly, contact us and we will guide you in what you need